GLOBALINKS’s Conflict of Interest Policy is simple: Do not compete with or unduly benefit from GLOBALINKS or any of its affiliates, and never let business dealings on behalf of GLOBALINKS be influenced by personal or family interests.
Inside information can take various forms, but always includes information which is not available to the public and which might influence an investor’s decision to buy, sell or hold securities in GLOBALINKS. There are laws in place that prohibit the use of inside information when buying, selling or trading publicly traded securities. All Employees should not buy, sell or trade securities having information that is not publicly disclosed. In addition, all Employees must treat such information with confidentiality, that is, sharing of information with someone else (including family members or friends) about trading such securities with inside information.
Related party transactions must be entered in an arms-length manner. Thus, no preferential treatment shall be given in such transactions and must be conducted the same way normal transactions are entered into with non-related parties.
GLOBALINKS is committed in maintaining a safe and a healthy working environment for its Employees. Infrastructure, policies and guidelines are in place to protect GLOBALINKS from generally-recognized workplace hazards such as fire, earthquake, theft and other natural and man-made calamities.
The Company is one with PSE in maintaining the integrity of the market. In doing so, GLOBALINKS is firm in its commitment to provide ethical services to its clients. Thus, it provides a whistleblowing policy where its personnel can safely and confidentially disclose personal grievances and actions of their colleagues to the proper authorities, which they suspect to be unethical or violating laws and regulations.
The Data Protection Officer
Judith M. Pormalejo
Globalinks Securities and Stocks Inc.
Unit 1801 PSE Tower, 5th Avenue corner.
26th Street, Bonifacio Global City (BGC) Taguig, 1634 Philippines
Contact No. (63)847 833 57 loc 113